JazzMyRide is dedicated to helping mum’s life instead of just creating random articles for the sake of views.

and also we believe one of the ways to support these articles generation by getting some compensation

hence we come to the affiliate links discussion

Affiliate Links

When we recommend a product, we will link these products using what we know as

affiliate or referral links. If you end up buying the products that you found through our link,

we get some commission from the vendor.

This commission is coming in a range of couple pennies up to a few dollars. It could also be a one-time commission, or

recurring commission.

But the most important thing – that referral doesn’t cost you a penny at all, and this commission comes from the vendor.

As our core, we would always focus on you as our audience and would always recommend the products that we’ve personally used,

or that highly recommended by our trusted peers.

In general, it is safe to assume that any product or recommendation link that we have in this blog would induce some commission for us

Hopefully, this clears up! Cheers!